Workshops | Sommerakademie | Allegro Vivo Festival
18. December 2016



»Fulfillment on stage«, Workshop with Veronika Morscher, 02.08.–09.08.2025

Performing on stage can be the most exhilarating feeling for some of us and hands down one of the most stressful situations for others. If you are struggling with this, there are a lot of possibilities to turn your stage experience from something that is driven by fear into something more enjoyable and more authentic. How can you find a little more ease and fulfillment on stage? How can you stay focused and maintain a strong presence? In this workshop, you’ll receive plenty of input through working with the body, breath, and mind. We will explore concepts from psychology, yoga and music physiology.
Join me for this interactive workshop where you will gather valuable tools to make your stage experience your own.

Veronika Morscher is a singer-songwriter, yoga teacher and psychologist who teaches performance coaching, concentration practice, bodywork and yoga at Music and Performing Arts Universities in Vienna and Frankfurt.

Workshop included in the course fee, please sign in with your application. Individual lessons bookable.



»Fit on your instrument«, Workshop with Coretta Kurth, 09.08.–16.08.2025

With this workshop you can improve your skills on various topics:
• What can I do about stage fright / fear of performing?
• How can I stay well concentrated and keep a strong presence on stage?
• How can I find relief for recurring pain in hands, arms, shoulders, neck, back?
• How do I preserve practicing and playing enjoyable?

In our workshop we work on your individual issues by means of different mental training techniques, mindfulness- and resource management, yoga, music physiology and other methods.

Coretta Kurth is a singer and teaches performance coaching, audition training, concentration practice and breathing and body work at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. See more information on

Workshop included in the course fee, please sign in with your application. Individual lessons bookable.

»Performance training«, Workshop with Lilian Genn, 16.08.–23.08.2025

Performing music on stage is a highly complex matter. In addition to technical and musical aplomb, it also requires awareness for a coherent concert performance. Ears and eyes are the audience’s instruments for judging musical appearances – and these judgments start with the first step onto stage.

In this workshop, we will practise entering and leaving the stage, dealing with applause and making lively contact with the audience. Through bodywork, we increase our presence and strengthen our well-being on stage.

Workshop included in the course fee, please sign in with your application. Individual lessons bookable.



»Conscious physical balance«, Workshop with Silke Dewath, 23.08.–30.08.2025

How often do you experience any differences between your needs in the role as a musician and in the role as a private person? While one part of you would like to perform brilliantly and the other one just would like sleep onger at the very same time? Even if the “temperamenti” of the composition come up with your mood, a fresh mind and vital body could help you to easier navigate between the different roles in a professional context.
Explore and empower your mental & physical skills, like

• mindfully get in touch with your body during a 30 min morning workout in group setting
• feel the calmness of mind and body after a guided 20min muscle relaxation class in group setting
• enjoy the deep relaxation that comes after a 30 min massage treatment (single sessions)

Silke looks forward to your registration and to sharing her experiences with you!

Workshop included in the course fee, please sign in with your application. Individual lessons bookable.




» Moonlight Serenade «, Bijan Khadem-Missagh, 03.08.–05.08. and 17.08.–19.08.2025

Each year students of Allegro Vivo Summer Academy form a string orchestra, conducted by the founder of the festival, Bijan Khadem-Missagh. The orchestra will work on a famous piece of music for strings. The concert on August
5 th and 19th August, 9.00 p.m., will be performed open air at “Stadtsee” Horn. If the weather is fine, you can jump into the refreshing water of the pool. All string players are invited to join this orchestra project. The participation is included in the course fee. Join this project and be enriched by this great experience.

Workshop included in the course fee, please sign in with your application.

Workshop »Chamber music«, 02.08.–30.08.2025

Allegro Vivo Sommerakademie 2021

© Schewig Fotodesign

Chamber music forms the focus of Allegro Vivo Festival and its Summer Academy, for it is a genuine touchstone for technical finesse, highly developed skills of artistic and social interaction and the maturity of a musician’s comprehension of music.

Besides encouragement of existing ensembles, new formations will be arranged before beginning of the festival. Chosen literature will be developed within the course. Chamber music classes are offered for pianists, string players, wind instrument players and mixed ensembles and will be coached by Bijan Khadem-Missagh, Christian Ostertag, Florian Eggner and Thomas Selditz.

Surcharge: € 50,– per week, please sign in with your application.