Tristan Schulze

Tristan Schulze


Freelance composer, cellist, organist and conductor. Numerous commissioned compositions for State Opera Vienna (Patchwork), Gewandhausorchester Leipzig (Die Tiere des Jadekaisers), Trigonal (Christophorus), Tonkuenstler Orchestra (Pauls Reise), State Theatre Braunschweig (Hermann Hesse auf dem Weg in die Mailänder Scala) and many more. Wide-ranging work in the field of film music in collaboration with Hans Zimmer. Co-founder of Triology together with Daisy Jopling and Aleksey Igudesman with concerts worldwide. International concerts with artists such as J. Rachlin, J. Jansen, W. Muthspiel, B. McFerrin. Studies of violoncello, conduction and composing as well as classic Indian music. Study visits in Senegal, Argentinia and Mexico.


"Chanson Bohéme"

Sunday, 11. August 2024 at 16:00

Gertrudskirche Gars am Kamp - Am Schlossberg