Marcin Koziel
Marcin Koziel

Marcin Koziel is a lecturer at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna since 2010. In August he is again accompanist at the Allegro Vivo Summer Academy.
His accompanying work is in demand in many cities in Europe, besides courses in Salzburg, Krakow, Warsaw and London. He ruled the competitions Maria Callas in Athens, Robert Schumann in Zwickau, Belvedere in Vienna and Stanisław Moniuszko in Warsaw. Cooperation with well-known singing teachers e.g. with H. Lazarska, F. Araiza, G. Kahry, R. Piernay and M. Honig. Accompanist and music director, participation in productions including “Guillaume Tell” by G. Rossini (Theater an der Wien, 2018), “Die Walküre” (Posen 2018), “Der Silbersee” by K. Weil (Warsaw 2018); 2014/15 he was director of Studies of the Young Ensemble at the Chamber Opera: Oniegin by Tchaikovsky, Rinadlo by Haendel, Les mamelles de Tiresias by Poulenc and L’heure espagniol by Ravel. He remains as an accompanist of the portrait concerts. Since 2003 close cooperation with the vocal ensemble of the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival and the Lübeck Choir Academy, joint participation in numerous projects in Europe, South America and Asia.